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Fund Information
Name: #emilistrong
ID: 10135963
Manager: Kandis LaCroix
Inception: Nov 17, 2014
Donations: 1
Amt Donated: $50.00

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Welcome to Emili's Wig Fund
Thank you for viewing our Wig Fund. We are trying to raise enough money to buy a custom wig for Emili! #emilistong

Fund Goal
The goal of this wig fund is to raise $2,695 toward a custom wig for Emili. So far, $50.00 has been donated, equaling 1% of the goal amount.
$0 $1,348 $2,695
Pending Donations: $0.00
Total Donations Including Pending: $50.00
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Recipient Profile

Emili is a beautiful and strong 20 year old woman who has been diagnosed with a Synovial Sarcoma. She has completed 2 rounds of chemotherapy and is now onto radiation therapy in Boston. Emili has been nothing but positive during this experience that no one should ever have to endure. She is surrounded by such loving family and friends! We want Emili to keep her smile an always feel beautiful! By contributing to this fund Emili will be able to make a custom wig that will make her feel beautiful and more confident then the woman she already is! Thank you!

Recent Donations
Date Donor Amount Status
 Nov 17, 2014   Jennifer T - Biddeford, ME   $50.00   Complete 
  Showing 1 to 1 (of 1)

Fund Manager Profile
My name is Kandis LaCroix. I have known Emili for almost 2 years. We met in Cosmetology school and we were instant friends. Emili is a woman you can confide in and can instantly put a smile on your face when she enters a room. I'm so grateful she is my friend and is part of my life. There's nothing harder then watching a friend to through such a hardship in their life and feeling like you can't do anything to make it better except support and love her through it all! Emili deserves nothing but the best... We can make a difference! #emilistrong

Encouraging Words

Emili- we love you and you are truly Emazing!! You will beat this I know it!
 Jennifer T - Nov 17, 2014

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