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Wig Fund Complete

Fund Information
Name: Janalee Nelson Wig
ID: 1061853
Manager: Kalene Howell
Inception: Mar 05, 2012
Donations: 19
Amt Donated: $2,495.00

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Congratulations! This fund has reached it's goal and is no longer accepting donations. Thank you to everyone who has helped achieve this goal! If you'd still like to donate to a worthy cause, please visit one of our active wig funds to make a donation today!

Welcome to Janalee's Wig Fund
If you are here than Janalee has touched your life. Cancer may take away her health and her hair, but it can't take away what she has given us. Help us to make her as beautiful on the outside and she is on the inside.

Fund Goal
The goal of this wig fund is to raise $2,495 toward a custom wig for Janalee. So far, $2,495.00 has been donated, equaling 100% of the goal amount.
$0 $1,248 $2,495
Pending Donations: $0.00
Total Donations Including Pending: $2,495.00

Recipient Profile

Beautiful Janalee
Janalee is the epitomy of service and love. She always wears a smile and comforts those going through trials even when she is going through hard things herself. She is a wonderful wife and mother of four children. Her oldest just left on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She has traveled the bumps of life like a trooper but this last bump, a lump, will be a hard one. She will need chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Helping Janalee get a wig is just one small way to show our love and support for her at this time, but it is something that we can do. With your help we can reach this goal. Please pass the word of this fundraising event to anyone that knows and loves Janalee.

Recent Donations
 [«] « prev | 1 | | []
Date Donor Amount Status
 Apr 03, 2012   Anonymous - Ammon, ID   $200.00   Complete 
 Apr 03, 2012   Anonymous - Ammon, ID   $25.00   Complete 
 Apr 01, 2012   Anonymous - Idaho Falls, ID   $25.00   Complete 
 Mar 29, 2012   Anonymous - Ammon, ID   $50.00   Complete 
 Mar 13, 2012   Anonymous - Idaho Falls, ID   $45.00   Complete 
 Mar 13, 2012   Anonymous - Idaho Falls, ID   $1,075.00   Complete 
 Mar 13, 2012   Anonymous - Idaho Falls, ID   $50.00   Complete 
 Mar 12, 2012   Janice E - Ammon, ID   $50.00   Complete 
 Mar 11, 2012   Vickie G - Ammon, ID   $25.00   Complete 
 Mar 08, 2012   Bev B - Idaho Falls, ID   $50.00   Complete 
 Mar 08, 2012   Taneil And Adam S - Idaho Falls, ID   $50.00   Complete 
 Mar 07, 2012   Anonymous - Ammon, ID   $50.00   Complete 
 Mar 07, 2012   Anonymous - Idaho Falls, ID   $100.00   Complete 
 Mar 06, 2012   Anonymous - Ammon, ID   $25.00   Complete 
 Mar 06, 2012   Bonnie H - Idaho Falls, ID   $50.00   Complete 
  Showing 1 to 15 (of 19) [«] « prev | 1 | | []

Encouraging Words

Love you to pieces!
 Anonymous - Apr 03, 2012

Larry and Betty Schaat
 Anonymous - Apr 03, 2012

We were so happy to get the chance to help out a little with the cost of your wig. We want you to know that you are in our prayers daily. Thanks so much for your great example to our whole ward - you are truly amazing and we want to help you anytime we can! Love, Bryce and Valyn Hill
 Anonymous - Mar 29, 2012

We love you and are praying for you. You are an amazing lady and are beautiful on the inside and out. You are not alone in this trial because you have many of us that love and support you. As you have given so much to others allow us to help you so our lives can be blessed too.
 Anonymous - Mar 13, 2012

Believe, our prayers will be with you and your family
 Janice E - Mar 12, 2012

Janalee, Thank you for being such a special friend to so many of us and for truly caring and being a good listener. PLEASE know that you have many friends out here ready to listen and pray for you as well. Love, Bev
 Bev B - Mar 08, 2012

We love you so much! Fight! You can do this!
 Taneil and adam S - Mar 08, 2012

We love you and are praying for you!
 Anonymous - Mar 07, 2012

We love you!
 Anonymous - Mar 06, 2012

We love you!!!
 Bonnie H - Mar 06, 2012

So excited to get this started! You are going to do great and you are going to beat this thing!
 Kalene H - Mar 05, 2012

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