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Fund Information
Name: Doug Styers
ID: 1354208
Inception: Jun 14, 2014
Donations: 3
Amt Donated: $250.00

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Welcome to DOUG's Wig Fund
Thank you for viewing our Wig Fund. We are trying to raise enough money to buy a custom wig for a worthy recipient (as yet unknown).

Fund Goal
The goal of this wig fund is to raise $2,195 toward a custom wig for DOUG. So far, $250.00 has been donated, equaling 11% of the goal amount.
$0 $1,098 $2,195
Pending Donations: $0.00
Total Donations Including Pending: $250.00
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Recipient Profile

We don't know who our recipient will be as yet. We will ask the fund to choose someone when we have enough hair grown and enough money raised.

Recent Donations
Date Donor Amount Status
 Feb 21, 2015   Tim J - Grand Junction , CO   $50.00   Complete 
 Aug 03, 2014   Pam I - Washington, DC   $100.00   Complete 
 Jul 11, 2014   Jason C - Grand Junction, CO   $100.00   Complete 
  Showing 1 to 3 (of 3)

Fund Manager Profile

Doug was inspired by our daughter Angela who has donated to Locks of Love several times. Upon investigation, we found that Locks of Love sells any gray hair it receives.

Doug is a crew chief and mechanic for YNot Racing on the professional NHRA drag race circuit. His wildly growing hair is attracting a lot of attention at the various tracks and he will be fund raising during his travels.

He started growing his hair about Thanksgiving, 2013. We aren't sure how much time will be needed to get the hair long enough - but we figure at least one year.

Encouraging Words

You makin Simone happy.
 Tim J - Feb 21, 2015

Beautiful hair! That's so cool. Glad to donate to such a worthy cause. Hope to see you when I'm in Grand Junction Labor Day weekend.
 Pam I - Aug 03, 2014

Way to go Doug!
 Jason C - Jul 11, 2014

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